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Allison K.
Henrich PhD

Allison Henrich is the current editor of MAA FOCUS, the newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America. She is also the author or editor of several books, including Navigating the Math Major: Charting Your CourseA Mathematician's Practical Guide to Mentoring Undergraduate ResearchAn Interactive Introduction to Knot Theory, and the Encyclopedia of Knot Theory.


In 2022, Living Proof: Stories of Resilience Along the Mathematical Journey, a book she co-edited, won the MAA's Euler Book Prize. In 2015, Allison was honored to be a recipient of both the Mathematical Association of America's Henry L. Alder Award for excellence in teaching and the Halmos-Ford Award for expository excellence. She won the Halmos-Ford Award a second time, in 2020. 


Allison earned a B.S. in Mathematics and a B.A. in Philosophy at the University of Washington before completing a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Dartmouth College.


Allison currently holds the rank of Professor at Seattle University, where she has been on the faculty since 2009.

(206) 296-5922

Office: Bannan 430
Seattle University
Mathematics Department
901 12th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
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